ICS 2022 52nd Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society
Date: 7-10 September 2022
Venue: Vienna, Austria
Website: https://www.ics.org/2022
The ICS Meetings give centre-stage to cutting-edge continence research, putting a spotlight on the latest clinical practices, and providing a variety of career opportunities for those interested in continence related issues.
The Meeting is multidisciplinary and welcomes urologists, gynaecologists, physiotherapists, nurses, midwives, research scientists, and all those dedicated to improving the lives of patients suffering from continence conditions.
The abstract and workshop submissions are now open and will close on 4th April.
If you’re worried about submitting because of COVID-19, we will make sure that if your abstract is accepted, you will have some capacity to present your work whether you can attend or not.
Learn more here – https://www.ics.org/2022