President’s Message – Welcome to our new website


The Malaysian Urological Association was formed in 1974 by the late Datuk Dr G. Sreenevasan and a handful of pioneer urologists. Over the years, the number of urologists in Malaysia has grown from the initial few to about one hundred in 2013.


MUA is a professional body formed under the society act with the mission to improve the quality of care for patients with urological condition through advancing the knowledge and practice of urology among its members and other health care professional in Malaysia. In this spirit, the Board of Urology was formed in 2000 to provide structured training for urology trainees in Malaysia. This robust training program ensures the urologists graduated from this program will be competent and capable of delivering high standard urological care to the public in Malaysia. The training and certification process by the Board of Urology were duly recognized by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia.


Urologists are specialized in treating both medical and surgical conditions affecting the reproductive organs in men and the urinary tract (Kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra) in both men and women.


All the members in the directory of this website had been fully trained and well versed with wide range of urological conditions.


The purpose of setting up a new website is to provide a channel of communication for its members on matters related to the association as well as practical and up to date information on common urological conditions for the public.


I am confident that this new endeavor will be beneficial to our visitors.


Happy surfing!


Yours sincerely,
Dr. Teh Guan Chou
Malaysian Urological Association