If a registrant is unable to attend an event for any reason they may substitute, by arrangement with the registrar, someone else to attend in their place.
Where the registrant is unable to attend and is not in a position to transfer his/her place to another person or to another event, then the following refund arrangements apply:
Registrations cancelled, as a result of a paper not being accepted are eligible for an 80% refund of the registration fees paid. The remaining 20% of the fee contributes to administration costs incurred.
Registrations cancelled more than 60 days before the event are eligible for an 80% refund of the registration fees paid.
Registrations cancelled less than 60 days, but more than 30 days before the event are eligible for a 50% refund of the registration fees paid.
Registrations cancelled less than 30 days before the event are no longer eligible for a refund.
Failure to register after receiving a paper acceptance following the review process will incur a RM200 review fee.
Registrations cancelled more than 10 working days before the event are eligible for a refund of the registration fees paid, less an RM100 administration charge.
No refunds are available for cancellations made within 10 working days of the event.